About Me

Blasphemous Scum here to tell you a little bit about myself


I enjoy collecting Horror movies, Vinyl, Cassets.

I all so enjoy drinking booze, playing music, stand up comedy, pro wrestling, hardcore porn, anime, manga. i am a man of many intrests.

I dabble in music i've had many projects most of wich have never gotten to they'er feet with me being the sole member.

here is a list of some

N.W.S. - rap - rap ain't really my thing i like some, but as far me being a rapper nah i mainly  was only in this project cause of a friend we did an ep and that was the end
Skinned Alive - death metal - on hold
99 StAbWoUnDs - punk
Förced Entry - rape rock - on hold
Legion - thrash metal

Unnamed grindcore progect - on hold

I had a Horror Punk project as well with my thirteen year old nepew it was gonna be called "Braineaters" but then i found out there is already a band with that name.


well enouth about me.